Calling All Artists

The Fayette Beautification Committee invites you to become a part of an exciting public art project. The Fayette Frog Beautification project is a unique opportunity for artists to use their talents for the benefit of the community and the arts. The Beautification Committee received a grant to purchase fiberglass frog forms 39”H x 47”L x 32”D in size. Interested artists will submit their proposed color design that would transform a blank frog form into a work of art. The finished sculptures will grace the town of Fayette in three outdoor locations: Fayette Art Museum, The Depot, and the Open Air Park downtown. It is our goal to have the completed frogs on display by the 2021 annual Frog Level event.
This call to artists is open to artists of all levels. All approved submissions will be voted on by the Fayette Beautification Committee to select a design for each of the three outdoor locations. The artist is encouraged to submit a colored design for each of the three locations where the completed frog sculptures will be placed. In the color design(s) keep in mind the theme for the particular location. Selected artists will be compensated for their time, $500 upon the timely return of their completed frog. When the selected artists pick up their blank frog form, they will receive a check for estimated material costs. (Submitting a design for this project does not guarantee that you will get to participate in painting a frog sculpture.)